Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Constant Reminder

I wrote a post back in 2011 titled Use the Force Luke to express my amazement regarding how close I am to constant temptation EVERY SINGLE DAY all day at work.  I have been here nearly 5 years now and the chocolate bowls have not gone anywhere. 

Back in February 2010 when I met my weight loss goal, I took a Mr. Goodbar out of the bowl and put it under my monitor and wrote 169 on it.  It was a stretch goal and coincidentally the day I found out I am only 5'9" and not 5'10" like I had always thought.  Since my initial goal was simply to get into the healthy BMI category, that meant I needed to get to 175 if was 5'10" and 169 if I was (and am) 5'9".

For the last 3 years I have had to stare at this daily reminder of my inability to buckle down and get serious for a last little push. I thought I would never get there and for so long it seemed like the possibility was slipping further away.  Now it feels like a manageable goal which is energizing and motivating. Glad I didn't just eat it way back when out of frustration. The bad part is it's 3 years old now!  Make it a great day.


  1. That's awesome!!! You are almost there! Go get that 169!!! I'll try to not be such a bad example of NOT using the force the rest of the week!

    1. I can't believe it took me this long to figure it out. I am not doing a whole lot different, just paying attention.

  2. You know over the weekend I had some nice, healthy snacks and meals at that nice Turkish couple's home. It inspired me to head to the library and check out some cookbooks with Mediterranean recipes!! I think it might help me get back on track! I'll head to the library tomorrow to find one..


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