Hopefully this doesn't offend anyone but here it goes... Today I had to leave work early to pick up my daughter at middle school who wasn't feeling well. Since I was home (and the sun was shining) I thought it would be good to go out for a recovery run and suck up some sunshine.

Before I left work, Christie told me she got us both signed up for the Great Potato Marathon which I am pretty stoked about. The smart coach plan says I should be doing my easy recovery runs at a 7:58 pace, assuming I had been training for a marathon. Anyway, I have an
Ultraspire Spry race vest that I wear when ultra running that I decided to take with me. I filled my two
Nathan 10oz waist bottles and put them in the front pockets. Normally, this isn't a problem on the trail because I never run terribly fast.

But today, I think I came as close as I ever will to knowing what it's like to run with big boobs and a really crappy sports bra. Those things bounced and jiggled like I have never seen from running so fast. At one point I had to cinch the straps of the vest down tight so they would stop bouncing. THEN, I was breathing so hard they started shooting out cloudy sports drink in my face as my lungs crushed the bottles from being super tight. Fortunately for me, I drank my 'boobs' and all was good.
Early this morning I ran from the Homestead trailhead to the top of Lucky Peak and back in just under two hours. So this was supposed to be a recovery run and ended up being a progressive tempo run instead. Good times.
Did I mention I am excited to try and run fast at a marathon?
Avg HR 159 Max 168
LOL Ryan!