Christie (
Marathonmama) sent this to me today, that she got from our friend Danica (
BostonorBotox) that got it from Katie (
RunLongKatie) to answer 10 running questions about myself. Anyway, check out the other responses, you may just learn something new! This idea came from Dimity McDowell — (
Another Mother Runner)
1. Best run ever: The
first time I ever ran 26.2 miles in December 2009. I had been running for just over 3 months and was working up to the distance ‘just to see if I could’. With the wind-chill, it was 15 degrees from start to finish and I had my wife Michelle at my side on her bike the entire way as my cheering section of 1. I finished in 4:20 that day and felt like I had someone pushing me to the finish. Since that day, I have had faster runs but this was my best run ever because it taught me that if you set a goal and work hard you truly can accomplish great things.
2. Three words that describe my running: relaxing, meditative, energizing
My BQ finish line photo STG |
3. My go-to running outfit: When I did road races it was blue Nike shorts with a red Team CFC shirt. Since I started running ultras I always like to finish with my orange
Don’t Mess with the Fat Kid t-shirt.
4. Quirky habit while running: I like to train to my heart rate and run at heart rate zones. I think this helps me improve over time without stressing about what my pace is. Ironically, on race day I rarely pay attention to either one and just run.
5. Morning/midday/evening: I am an early morning runner out of necessity since I am married and have 4 kids. There isn’t time in the evening and I love getting up and getting the blood flowing first thing in the morning. It leaves me feeling like I can take on the world by 7am!
5 degrees and snowing... |
6. I won't run outside when it's: I don’t understand this question? If you want something bad enough, nothing will get in your way.
Post Boston sight seeing trip with Michelle and my parents |
7. Worst injury and how I got over it: The worst injury I ever had was a strained adductor muscle in my right leg. It happened in January 2011 and I was getting ready for the Boston Marathon in April. Not sure what I did but I think I slipped on the ice and twisted my knee and leg to the right which pulled the muscle. It wasn’t so bad I couldn’t run but it kept me from ever giving 100%. The longest continuous run I did before Boston was 13 miles and the longest distance I was able to go was 18 miles. Those 18 miles were really two 9 mile runs separated by 30 minutes of walking and lamenting my bad fortune. Anyway, I went to Boston and somehow managed to finish in 3:20 after not having done 1 long run and on top of that I had the flu on race day. The lesson I learned was that I should have given myself permission to take a week to ten days off in January so I would have been completely healthy and ready in April.
Mile 99.9 at the Bear 100 |
8. I felt most like a badass mother runner when: …mile 99.9 of the Bear 100 mile endurance run on September 24th, 2011, exactly one year ago (almost to the minute as I write this). The last couple of miles finish up on a road leading into Bear Lake, Idaho and as I covered this last stretch it finally hit me that I was going to finish. In ultras, I never think more than a few miles ahead for two reasons a) thinking about finishing when you are at mile 4 and have 96 to go has a negative effect on your mental attitude and b) a lot can happen throughout the day so I try to stay focused on right now and the next few miles so that I CAN finish. I never doubted that I would finish but was overwhelmed when the reality of it actually happening hit me. As I mentioned above, I wore my t-shirt at the end that says Don’t Mess with the Fat Kid. When I rounded the last corner the awaiting crowd cheered loudly for me which was an amazing feeling. As I got closer, the cheering faded and then completely died. After I passed, I overheard a women say to her friend, “Did you see that t-shirt? That is the rudest shirt I have ever seen.” I turned around while running backwards and politely said to her with a cracking voice, “I used to weigh 318 pounds and THIS FAT KID is about 100 yards from finishing 100 miles!” The cheers doubled and I continued crossed the finish line with the biggest smile ever!
Gettin pumped for the Frenzy last year |
9. Next race is: The
Foothills Frenzy 50k on October 20th. I told my wife I would join her to help her do the race and I also want to beat my time from last year of 5:51. So my goal is to run the race solo in the dark to beat my time and be back at the start/finish line at 5am to join Michelle for the second lap.
Between now and then I will be pacing a half marathon on September 30th and pacing my friend Amy at the
IMTUF 100 on October 6th.
10. Potential running goal for 2013: Have my name pulled in the Western States 100 Lottery. Not much of a goal, more like luck of the draw. If that doesn’t happen (which is likely given the number of slots and the number of applicants) my other real goal is to run another sub 24 hour 100 miler at the
Antelope Island Buffalo Run and actually feel good at the end. I have proven I can do it, except the feeling good at the end part. That is a function of good training and proper pacing which I have a lot of room to improve on.
Hahaha!!! I didn't even notice you kept the "badass MOTHER runner" in your post! Funny!!! :D Thanks for playing the game!! Man, that Western States buckle sure looks shiny!!!!!! It would look great on your kiddie belt with the pistols!