Saturday, April 19, 2014

Robie Creek 2014

The 2014 edition of the Race to Robie Creek was a fun one!  My main goal was to improve on my time from last year. My secondary goal was to run the last mile and not boob about how hard it felt.  I accomplished both goals by beating last year's time by about 12 seconds and chasing Ryan Lund and Bob Shannon all the way to the finish.

I stayed at the finish for a few minutes and caught up with some friends then took off with Stephen Henry for the over and back.  I love the run back, even though there isn't much gas left in the tank.  Seeing everyone who is still pushing to finish puts a huge smile on my face and I get to cheer for them!  There aren't very many spots for spectators so I think the runners appreciate it.

I met Michelle at the Pulse aid station at Aldape and we came down the hill together.  I was definitely ready to be done!  Great day.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Highlands Trail in the Boise Foothills

I went out last Sunday with Cory Harelson and ran the Hulls Gulch, Scotts, Corrals, Highland, Bobs loop and he snapped this amazing picture just and the sun was in the perfect spot. Love this picture.

Struggle and Strength

My friend Jenny shared this post on Facebook from Zig Ziglar's page.

This pretty much sums up how I feel looking back.  I would not be who I am today without going through the tough times and struggles to find what was hidden deep inside.  For that I am grateful.  I feel like I am a better person today and there is nothing that can get me down because I know I am capable of overcoming whatever life throws at me.
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